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Give Your Productivity an Energy Boost with Acumatica | SVA

Give Your Productivity an Energy Boost With Acumatica

Outdated technology and manual processes can hold your company back, wasting valuable time and energy that could be best used elsewhere.

Companies on newer, modern ERP platforms like Acumatica perform more efficiently than their peers who stay on outdated systems. These companies realize there is a cost to do nothing, and instead choose to take advantage of tools that lower costs by making everyday tasks easier, less time-consuming as well as making information more accessible to everyone.

With Acumatica, you can use workflows to track AP approvals, create dashboards that allow users to self-service information, use automation tools to reconcile data, and set up notifications to alert you to changing conditions.

The Need for a Modern ERP Solution

Many businesses operating on older technology platforms struggle with routine tasks being overly laborious. This is often due to the platform's inability to automate calculations like deferred revenue or allocations, leading to error-prone, lengthy month-end processes.

Companies also often find themselves juggling disparate systems, leading to more manual data entry and a higher likelihood of errors. These factors contribute to a slower decision-making process, hindering the business's ability to keep up with the fast-paced market.

sva-consulting-insights-blog-sreamlined-automation-with-acumatica-intergrationInsight: Streamlined Automation with Acumatica Integration

Acumatica’s cloud-based ERP solution offers a myriad of features and integrations that can help businesses streamline their operations and make informed decisions faster.

Key features of Acumatica include:

  • Future-proof Technology Stack: Acumatica is built on industry standards like open API, ensuring that it can easily integrate with other systems and evolve with your business.
  • Optimization Tools: With single sign-on, multi-tenancy, and multi-language support, as well as robust role-based security, Acumatica has everything you need to optimize your operations.
  • Mobile App and Real-Time Data Access: Acumatica's mobile app and real-time data access make it easier for you to manage your business on the go.
  • Best-in-Class Modules: Acumatica offers a range of modules catering to various industries, including financial management, customer management, payroll, project accounting, and field service.

sva-consulting-insights-blog-acumatica-crm-optimization-capabilitiesInsight: Acumatica CRM Optimization Capabilities

Scalability and Flexibility

Acumatica operates on a consumption-based licensing model, allowing businesses to easily scale up or down based on their needs. This flexibility extends to deployment options, with both SaaS and private cloud options available.

Businesses can choose their own upgrade schedule, ensuring that they can comply with any industry regulations or customization requirements.

Give Your Business a Boost

If your business needs a productivity boost, it may be time to consider upgrading to a modern ERP solution like Acumatica. To learn more about Acumatica and how it can help streamline your business processes, contact SVA Consulting today.

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Authored by: Andrea Hayes

Authored by Andrea Hayes

Andrea is a Principal for SVA Consulting, LLC, a member of the SVA family of companies. Andrea has a BA from University of Wisconsin, Madison and more than fifteen years of analyst and consulting experience in the private and public sectors. She has expertise forming vision and strategy to help small to mid-size businesses utilize people, processes and technology to optimize operations and realize their goals. Andrea has a diverse background merging analytics, consulting and strategy. She has played a pivotal role in numerous, large scale, ERP, analytics, and data integration implementations across a variety of industries. Prior to joining SVA Consulting, Andrea worked at an affective neuroscience laboratory, contributing to study design, managing analyzing data, and writing grants. She is also published in Nature Neuroscience Journal. Andrea has experience working in the life sciences industry as a management consultant for clients specializing in medical affairs.

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